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Copyright © 2023, ParallelChain Lab
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
//! Implements the [`BlockSyncServer`] for the block sync protocol, which helps the replicas lagging
//! behind catch up with the head of the blockchain in a safe and live manner.
//! A replica might be lagging behind for various reasons, such as network outage, downtime, or
//! deliberate action by Byzantine leaders.
//! The server's responsibility as part of the protocol is to:
//! 1. Respond to block sync requests ("block sync process" part of the protocol).
//! 2. Periodically broadcast advertisements which serve to notify other replicas about the server's
//! availability and view of the blockchain ("block sync trigger" and "block sync server selection").
//! ## Block sync process
//! As part of the sync process, the server responds to any received sync requests with blocks starting
//! from a given start height. The number of blocks sent back in a response is limited by a configurable
//! limit.
//! The client side of this protocol is explained [here](crate::block_sync::client).
//! ## Block sync trigger and block sync server selection
//! Maintaining a sync server that periodically notifies other replicas about its state of the block
//! tree and its availability plays an important role in ensuring that lagging replicas try to sync
//! when there is evidence that they are lagging behind, and that they sync with a peer who is ahead
//! of them.
//! A block sync server notifies others about its availability and state of the block tree by
//! broadcasting [`BlockSyncAdvertiseMessage`]s.
use std::{
sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender, TryRecvError},
thread::{self, JoinHandle},
time::{Duration, Instant, SystemTime},
use ed25519_dalek::VerifyingKey;
use crate::{
block_tree::{accessors::public::BlockTreeCamera, pluggables::KVStore},
events::{Event, ReceiveSyncRequestEvent, SendSyncResponseEvent},
networking::{network::Network, receiving::BlockSyncServerStub, sending::SenderHandle},
data_types::{BlockHeight, ChainID},
use super::messages::{BlockSyncAdvertiseMessage, BlockSyncRequest, BlockSyncResponse};
pub struct BlockSyncServer<N: Network + 'static, K: KVStore> {
config: BlockSyncServerConfiguration,
block_tree_camera: BlockTreeCamera<K>,
last_advertisement: Instant,
receiver: BlockSyncServerStub,
sender: SenderHandle<N>,
shutdown_signal: Receiver<()>,
event_publisher: Option<Sender<Event>>,
impl<N: Network + 'static, K: KVStore> BlockSyncServer<N, K> {
pub(crate) fn new(
config: BlockSyncServerConfiguration,
block_tree_camera: BlockTreeCamera<K>,
requests: Receiver<(VerifyingKey, BlockSyncRequest)>,
network: N,
shutdown_signal: Receiver<()>,
event_publisher: Option<Sender<Event>>,
) -> Self {
Self {
last_advertisement: Instant::now(),
receiver: BlockSyncServerStub::new(requests),
sender: SenderHandle::new(network),
pub(crate) fn start(mut self) -> JoinHandle<()> {
thread::spawn(move || loop {
match self.shutdown_signal.try_recv() {
Ok(()) => return,
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => (),
Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
unreachable!("The Block Sync Server's `shutdown_signal` channel no longer has any senders connected to it")
// 1. Respond to received block sync requests.
if let Ok((
BlockSyncRequest {
)) = self.receiver.recv_request()
// Ignore requests whose chain ID does not match ours.
if chain_id != self.config.chain_id {
Event::ReceiveSyncRequest(ReceiveSyncRequestEvent {
timestamp: SystemTime::now(),
peer: origin,
// Get, from the block tree, the blocks and the PC that will be used to form the Block Sync Response.
let bt_snapshot = self.block_tree_camera.snapshot();
let blocks_res = bt_snapshot.blocks_from_height_to_newest(
max(limit, self.config.request_limit),
let highest_pc_res = bt_snapshot.highest_pc();
match (blocks_res, highest_pc_res) {
(Ok(blocks), Ok(highest_pc)) => {
// If there are blocks and a highest PC to return, send a Block Sync Response.
BlockSyncResponse {
blocks: blocks.clone(),
highest_pc: highest_pc.clone(),
Event::SendSyncResponse(SendSyncResponseEvent {
timestamp: SystemTime::now(),
peer: origin,
highest_pc: highest_pc,
_ => {
// Otherwise, do not send a response.
// 2. If the last advertisement was sent more than `advertise_time` duration ago, broadcast an:
// - Advertise PC: to let others know about our local Highest PC, which may trigger them to start
// syncing if they find that they are behind.
// - Advertise Block: to let others know about our local Highest Committed Block height, so that they
// can decide whether or not we are a suitable sync server for them.
if Instant::now() - self.last_advertisement >= self.config.advertise_time {
let highest_pc = self
.expect("Could not obtain the highest PC!");
let highest_committed_block_height = match self
.expect("Could not obtain the highest committed block height!")
Some(height) => height,
None => BlockHeight::new(0),
// Broadcast an Advertise PC message.
let advertise_pc_msg = BlockSyncAdvertiseMessage::advertise_pc(highest_pc);
// Broadcast an Advertise Block message.
let advertise_block_msg = BlockSyncAdvertiseMessage::advertise_block(
// Update time of last advertisement.
self.last_advertisement = Instant::now()
/// Parameters that are used to configure the behaviour of the Block Sync Server. These should not
/// change after the server starts.
pub(crate) struct BlockSyncServerConfiguration {
/// ID of the blockchain for which the server handles sync requests.
pub(crate) chain_id: ChainID,
/// Keypair used to sign Advertise Block messages.
pub(crate) keypair: Keypair,
/// Maximum number of blocks that this server can provide in a Block Sync Response.
pub(crate) request_limit: u32,
/// How often the sync server should broadcast [`BlockSyncAdvertiseMessage`]s.
pub(crate) advertise_time: Duration,