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//! The persistent state of a replica.
//! # Block Tree
//! The Block Tree is the fundamental persistent data structure in HotStuff-rs, the HotStuff
//! subprotocol, and "Chain-Based" state machine replication in general.
//! A block tree is a directed acyclic graph (or "Tree") of Blocks rooted at a starting block called
//! the "Genesis Block". As far as trees go, block trees are "narrow", in that most blocks in a block
//! tree will only have one edge coming into it. Specifically, all blocks in a block tree "under" a
//! highest committed block (i.e., closer to genesis block to than the highest committed block) will
//! only have one edge coming out of it.
//! Because of this, a block tree can be understood as being a linked list with a tree attached to it
//! at the highest committed block. In this understanding, there are **two kinds of blocks** in a block
//! tree:
//! - **Committed Blocks**: blocks in the linked list. These are permanently part of the block tree.
//! - **Speculative Blocks**: blocks in the tree. These, along with their descendants, are "pruned"
//! when a "conflicting" block is committed.
//! A speculative block is committed when a 3-Chain is formed extending it. This is the point at which
//! the HotStuff subprotocol can guarantee that a block that conflicts with the block can never be
//! committed and that therefore, the block is now permanently part of the block tree. The logic that
//! makes this guarantee sound is implemented in [`invariants`].
//! # Besides the Block Tree
//! - The block tree is maintained by the types in this module.
//! - But the types in this module maintain not just strictly the block tree data structure (even though they’re called blocktreesomething or whatever).
//! - They also store additional data that ultimately keep the growth of the block tree safe (related to invariants)..
//! - The complete list of everything can be found in (link to variables).
//! # Pluggable persistence
//! - The block tree is kept in persistent storage, most probably in the host's filesystem.
//! - Library users get to choose how exactly this is done.
//! - HotStuff-rs merely requires that whatever the user provides as a persistence mechanism implements the abstract functionality of
//! a key-value store with atomic, batched writes.
//! - This abstract functionality is made concrete by the traits defined in the `pluggables` module.
//! - Implement this for whatever persistence mechanism you want and pass in the type to the constructor in `mod replica`.
//! # Accessing the Block Tree
//! - The provided implementations of the pluggable persistence traits then get wrapped inside block tree `accessors`.
//! - Implementations of the pluggable persistence traits then get wrapped inside block tree `accessors`.
//! - These put the block tree++ variables in the right places in the KVStore and provide methods for reading and writing them both
//! from code internal to this library and in user code.
pub mod accessors;
pub mod invariants;
pub mod variables;
pub mod pluggables;