
Module invariants

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Rules and predicates that help with maintaining the invariant properties of the Block Tree data structure.

The rustdoc for this module is divided into three sections:

  1. Invariants clarifies the notion of block tree invariants and groups them into two categories depending on whether they are “local” or “global” in nature.
  2. Methods lists the methods defined in this module and groups them into two categories depending on whether they deal with “whether” questions about state updates or “what” questions.
  3. Finally, Blockchain Consistency discusses HotStuff-rs’ overarching global invariant, “blockchain consistency”, and how the methods in this module work together to enforce it.


In the context of this module, invariants are logical properties that are always true about the Block Tree.

Block tree invariants can be grouped into two categories depending on their scope:

  • Local Invariants: invariants that pertain to isolated parts of the block tree. An example of a local invariant is the invariant enforced by safe_nudge that nudge.justify.phase must be either Prepare, Precommit, or Commit.
  • Global Invariants: invariants that relate different parts of the block tree. An example of a global invariant is the invariant enforced by safe_pc that either: (i). pc.block extends from block_tree.locked_pc()?.block, or (ii). pc.view is greater than block_tree.locked_pc()?.view.

Some simple local invariants can be enforced by the type system at compile-time and therefore do not need to be checked at runtime. For example, the typedef of Phase automatically guarantees the invariant nudge.justify.phase could only be one of five values–Generic, Prepare, Precommit, Commit and Decide.

More complicated invariants, however (including both global invariants and also more complicated local invariants, as illustrated by the safe_nudge and safe_pc examples above), can only be enforced by runtime logic. This is where the methods in this module come in.


The methods in this module each help enforce a combination of local and global block tree invariants. Specifically, they do this by ensuring that every block tree update, i.e., set of state mutations done by the top-level updater methods defined on the BlockTreeSingleton struct, is invariant-preserving. This idea can be summarized in simple formulaic terms as: a block tree that satisfies invariants + a invariant-preserving update = an updated block tree that also satisfies invariants.

Each method works to ensure that every update is invariant-preserving in one of two different ways:

  1. By checking whether an event (like receiving a Proposal or collecting a PhaseCertificate) can trigger an invariant-preserving update, or
  2. By determining what invariant-preserving updates should be made in response to an event.

These two different ways allow us to group the methods in this module into the two different categories discussed in the following subsections.

Before reading the following subsections, please first note that not every top-level updater method directly uses or is related to the methods in this module. In particular, set_highest_tc, set_highest_view_entered, and set_highest_view_voted have simple enough preconditions that they do not need to have functions of the “whether” category in this module, and do state updates that are simple enough that they do not need functions of the “what” class either. The methods in this module only directly relate to the insert and update top-level state mutators.

§Category 1: “whether”

Methods in this category: safe_pc, safe_block, safe_nudge, (outlier) repropose_block.

These methods check whether a PhaseCertificate, Block, or Nudge (respectively) can trigger invariant-preserving state updates. Methods in this category feature in the preconditions of the insert and update.

We also include in this category the method called repropose_block. This method does not fit neatly into this category in terms of name or purpose, but is closely related to safe_nudge in that it serves to help proposers choose a block to propose that satisfy the “consecutive views” requirement that safe_nudge checks.

§Category 2: “what”

Methods in this category: pc_to_lock, block_to_commit.

These methods help determine what invariant-preserving state updates should be triggered in update in response to obtaining a PhaseCertificate, whether through receiving a Proposal, Nudge, or NewView message, or by collecting enough PhaseVotes. Methods in this category are called inside update.

§Blockchain Consistency

The most important global invariant that HotStuff-rs guarantees is called “Blockchain Consistency”. Blockchain consistency is the property that the block trees of all honest replicas are identical below a certain block height.

This “certain block height” is exactly the height of the Highest Committed Block. Below this height, the blocktree (a directed acyclic graph of blocks) is reduced to a blockchain, a directed acyclic graph of blocks with the restriction that every block has exactly one inward edge (formed by the justify of its child) and one outward edge (formed by its justify to its parent).

The blockchain grows as more and more blocks are committed. Committing is a state update whereby a block (and transitively, all of its ancestors) become part of the permanent blockchain. Critically, committing is a one-way update: once a block becomes committed, it can never be un-committed. Because of this, it is essential that the protocol is designed such that a replica only commits when it is sure that all other honest replicas have either also committed the block, or will eventually.

This section explains how the methods in this module work together to maintain blockchain consistency. The discussion is split into two parts:

  1. First, Locking discusses an intermediate state that blocks enter after being inserted but before being committed, that is, being “Locked”.
  2. Then, Committing discusses how blocks move between being locked into being committed.


Before a block is committed, its branch must first be locked.

Locking ensures that an honest replica only commits a block when either of the following two conditions hold:

  1. All other honest replicas have also committed the block, in which case the commit is trivially consistent, or
  2. If not all honest replicas have committed the block, then a quorum of replicas is currently locked on the block, which makes it impossible for a PC for a conflicting block to be formed.

The consequence of condition 2 is that condition 1 will eventually hold, making the block safe to commit.

Locking entails keeping track of a block tree variable called “Locked PC” and doing two things with it:

  1. Updating the Locked PC whenever it is appropriate, according to the logic implemented by pc_to_lock, and
  2. Checking every PC received or collected against the Locked PC. Only PCs that pass this check and therefore “satisfy the lock” are allowed to cause state updates.

Updating the locked PC and checking the locked PC is discussed in turn in the following two subsections:

§Locking on a Block

Any time update is called, the locked_pc should potentially be updated. The pc_to_lock method in this module decides what locked PC should be updated to.

The precise logic used by pc_to_lock to decide which PC to lock on is documented in the doc for pc_to_lock. In short, the basic logic for choosing which PC to lock in HotStuff-rs is the same as the basic logic for choosing which PC to lock in the PODC’19 HotStuff paper, that is, “lock on seeing a 2-Chain”.

The basic logic is already well-documented in the PODC ’19 paper, so for brevity, we do not re-describe it here. Instead, in the rest of this subsection, we describe a small but nuanced difference in the precise logic, and then explain the rationale behind this difference:

In both HotStuff-rs and PODC ’19 HotStuff, which PC pc_to_lock decides to lock on upon receiving justify depends on what justify.phase is:

  • If justify.phase is Generic, Prepare, or Precommit, pc_to_lock‘s decision rule is exactly the same as the decision rule used in the algorithm in the original (PODC’ 19) HotStuff paper that corresponds to the operating mode that the Phase is part of (recall that the Pipelined Mode corresponds to Algorithm 1, while the Phased Mode corresponds to Algorithm 3).
  • On the other hand, if justify.phase is Commit or Decide, pc_to_lock will decide to lock on justify (as long as the current locked_pc.block is different from justify.block). This is different from the logic used in Algorithm 1 in the original HotStuff paper, which does not update locked_pc upon receiving a Commit PC (there is no phase called Decide in the original HotStuff paper).

The reason why the PODC ’19 HotStuff does not lock upon receiving a Commit or Decide PC while HotStuff-rs does becomes clearer when we consider that the original HotStuff makes the simplifying assumption that receiving any proposal implies that we have received every proposal in the chain that precedes the proposal. E.g., receiving a proposal for a block at height 10 means that we (the replica) has previously received a complete set of proposals for the ancestor blocks at heights 0..9, including for every phase.

This assumption simplifies the specification of the algorithm, and is one that is made by many publications. However, this assumption is difficult to uphold in a production setting, where messages are often dropped. HotStuff-rs’ Block Sync goes some way toward making this assumption hold, but is not perfect: in particular, Sync Servers only send their singular current highest_pc in their SyncResponses, which could be a PC of any phase: Generic up to Decide.

This means that if we use the same logic as used in Algorithm 1 to decide on which PC to lock on upon receiving a phased mode PC, i.e., to lock only if justify.phase == Precommit, then we will fail to lock on justify.block if justify.phase is Commit or Decide, which can lead to safety violations because the next block may then extend a conflicting branch.

Because extending the Block Sync protocol to return multiple PCs in a SyncResponse could be complicated (in particular, it would probably require replicas to store extra state), we instead solve this issue by deviating from PODC ’19 HotStuff slightly by locking upon receiving a Commit or Decide PC.

§Checking against the Lock

The 3rd predicate of safe_pc checks whether any received or collected PC satisfies the lock and therefore is allowed to trigger state updates. This predicate is exactly the same as the corresponding predicate in the PODC ’19 HotStuff paper, but is simple enough that we describe it and the rationale behind it fully in the rest of this subsection.

The 3rd predicate comprises of two clauses, joined by an “or”:

  1. Safety clause: pc.block extends from locked_pc.block, or
  2. Liveness clause: pc.view is greater than locked_pc.view.

In stable cases–i.e., where in every view, either 1/3rd of replicas lock on the same locked_pc, or none lock–the safety clause will always be satisfied. This ensures that the pc extends the branch headed by the locked block.

In unstable cases, however, where e.g., messages are dropped or a proposer is faulty, less than 1/3rd but more than zero replicas may lock on the same locked_pc. If, in this scenario, safe_pc only comprises of the safety clause and a Block or Nudge that conflicts with locked_pc is proposed in the next view, only replicas that didn’t lock on locked_pc in the previous view will be able to accept the new Block or Nudge and make progress, while the replicas that did lock will be stuck, unable to grow their blockchain further.

This is where the liveness clause comes in. This clause enables the replicas that did lock on the now “abandoned” PC to eventually accept new Blocks and Nudges, and does so by relaxing the third predicate to allow Blocks and Nudges that build on a different branch than the current locked_pc.block to cause state updates as long as the PC they contain has a higher view than locked_pc.view.


As is the case with Locking, Committing in HotStuff-rs follows the same basic logic as committing in PODC ’19 HotStuff, but with a small and nuanced difference. The following two subsections discuss, in turn:

  1. The conditions in which a block becomes committed, one of the conditions being a “consecutive views requirement” that is more relaxed than the “same views requirement” used in Algorithm 1 of PODC ’19 HotStuff.
  2. How the algorithm requires that replicas re-propose existing blocks in certain conditions in order to satisfy the consecutive views requirement while still achieving Immediacy.

§Committing a Block

Any time update is called, blocks should potentially be committed. The block_to_commit method in this module decides what blocks should be committed.

Like with pc_to_lock, the precise logic used by block_to_commit is documented in the doc for block_to_commit. Again, the logic used for choosing which block to commit in HotStuff-rs is broadly similar as the logic used for choosing which block to commit in the PODC ’19 HotStuff paper.

In particular, the logic used in HotStuff-rs’ Pipelined Mode is the same as the logic used in Algorithm 3 in PODC ’19 HotStuff; that is, a block should be committed in the Pipelined Mode when it meets two requirements:

  1. 3-Chain: the block must head a sequence of 3 PCs.
  2. Consecutive views: the 3 PCs that follow the block must each have consecutively increasing views, i.e., justify3.view == justify2.view + 1 == justify1.view + 2 where justify3.block.justify == justify2, justify2.block.justify == justify1, and justify1.block = block.

The nuanced difference between HotStuff-rs and PODC ’19 HotStuff with regards to block_to_commit logic has to do with the Phased Mode. Specifically, the difference is that PODC ‘19’s Algorithm 1 requires that Prepare, Precommit, and Commit PCs that follow a block have the same view number in order for this sequence of PCs to commit the block, whereas on the other hand, HotStuff-rs’ Phased Mode requires only that these PCs have consecutive view numbers, just like Pipelined Mode and Algorithm 3.

The underlying reason why the same view requirement is used in PODC ’19’s Algorithm 1 but the strictly less stringent consecutive views requirement is used in Phased Mode is one specific difference between these two algorithms:

  • In Algorithm 1, each view is comprised of 3 phases.
  • In Phased Mode, each view is comprised of only 1 phase.

The result is that in Phased Mode, Prepare, Precommit, and Commit PCs can never have the same view number, so if “same view” is a requirement to commit a block in Phased Mode, no block can ever be committed.

The consecutive views requirement relaxes block_to_commit enough in order for blocks to be committed, but does not relax it too far that it would obviate the uniqueness guarantee provided by locking.

Consider what could happen if we had instead, for example, relaxed the requirement further to just “increasing views”, and a replica commits a block upon receiving Prepare, Precommit, and Commit PCs for the block with views 4, 5 and 7. Because 5 and 7 are not contiguous, it could be the case that in view 6, a quorum of replicas have locked on a conflicting block, so it would be incorrect to assume that a quorum of replicas is currently locked on the block, and therefore it is unsafe in this situation to commit the block.

§Ensuring Immediacy

Recall that Immediacy requires validator set updating blocks to be committed by a Commit PC before a direct child can be inserted. This requirement, combined with the consecutive views requirement, creates a challenge for proposers.

Normally, proposers query the highest_pc and broadcast a Proposal or Nudge containing it to all replicas. When views fail to make progress, however, the current_view of live replicas may grow to significantly greater than highest_pc.view. If in this situation, more than 1/3rd of replicas have locked on a validator set updating block, proposers must not propose a Nudge containing the highest PC, since the 4th predicate of safe_nudge wil prevent honest replicas from voting on it, and hence prevent a quorum for the Nudge from being formed.

To make progress in this situation, a proposer must re-propose either the locked block, or a (possibly new) sibling of the locked block. The implementation in HotStuff-rs chooses to do the former: the repropose_block method in this module helps determine whether a proposer should re-propose a block by considering its current_view and the local block tree’s highest_view.pc, and if it finds that it should re-propose a block, returns the hash of the block that should be re-proposed so that the proposer can get it from the block tree.


  • Get the Block in block_tree (if any) that, along with all of its uncommitted predecessors, should be committed after the replica sees justify.
  • Check whether pc belongs to the branch that extends from the block_tree’s locked_pc.block.
  • pc_to_lock 🔒
    Get the PC (if any) that should be set as the Locked PC after the replica sees the given justify.
  • Get the Block in the block_tree which a leader of the current_view should re-propose in order to satisfy the Consecutive Views Rule and make progress in the view.
  • safe_block 🔒
    Check whether block can safely cause updates to block_tree, given the replica’s chain_id.
  • Check whether nudge can safely cause updates to block_tree, given the replica’s current_view and chain_id.
  • safe_pc 🔒
    Check whether pc can safely cause updates to block_tree, given the replica’s chain_id.