Crate hotstuff_rs

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A Rust Programming Language library for Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) State Machine Replication (SMR), intended for production systems.


  • Pluggable components: library users get to provide their own business logic (app), key-value storage (kv_store), and peer-to-peer networking (network). HotStuff-rs is agnostic to these details and can therefore be adapted to many use-cases.
  • Dynamic validator sets: Apps can control and change the set of replicas (“validators”) that vote to replicate the state machine without any downtime or manual configuration. Unlike older generations of SMR, “validator set updates” are not stop-the-world operations.
  • View synchronization: HotStuff-rs implements Byzantine View Synchronization in the pacemaker module. This enables it to quickly bring replicas’ view number in sync and therefore recover quickly from a network disruption.
  • Rigorous specification: HotStuff-rs is not only rigorously specified, but its specification is integrated into its Rustdocs so that they remain up-to-date with the implementation. This includes proofs of correctness for each of its subprotocols.

§Getting started

To replicate your application using HotStuff-rs, you need to represent it as a type and then have the type implement the App trait.

Then, initialize the replica’s storage, build a ReplicaSpec, and then start the replica.

An example on how to start a replica can be found in the rustdocs for the replica module.

§Understanding HotStuff-rs

The best way to understand HotStuff-rs is by reading these Rustdocs (so be happy, you are already at the right place!).

HotStuff-rs’ Rustdocs are designed to be both documentation, and specification. This means that it does not only describe the current (v0.4.0) version of this (Rust) implementation of HotStuff-rs, but also prescribes a protocol that developers can use to implement BFT SMR libraries that are compatible with HotStuff-rs.

Before starting to read these Rustdocs, it is helpful to have a good high-level awareness of the concepts behind HotStuff-rs, as well as a high-level picture of how the library’s modules are organized.

The Concepts subsection helps with the former by introducing a slew of the important concepts in a way gives a sense of the relationships between them, as well as linking to further reading resources whenever they are available, while the Organization subsection helps with the latter by briefly describing how the module tree is structured.


The library user implements their business logic in an App and provides a handle to it to HotStuff-rs via the app setter on ReplicaSpecBuilder. The library user then starts a replica.

Upon startup, the replica starts a background thread called the algorithm thread. The algorithm thread then creates instances of HotStuff-rs’ three subprotocols–namely hotstuff, pacemaker, and block_sync–and starts to poll these instances in an infinite loop, driving each subprotocol forward.

The Pacemaker subprotocol works to keep track of an increasing counter called the “view number”, which is a sort of logical clock that the algorithm thread uses to decide the replica should do at any moment in time. At any given view, a replica could either be a validator, or a listener. Suppose that it is a validator. Then, it needs to play a role in the HotStuff subpprotocol.

The two main roles validator can play in the HotStuff subprotocol are: Proposer, and Phase-Voter. These two roles are not mutually exclusive. For example, it could be that in a given view, a validator is both a proposer, and a phase-voter.

Suppose that a validator is a proposer. Then, it will begin the view by calling produce_block to ask the App to generate the contents of a new Block. Then, it will pack the block in a Proposal and broadcast this to all other replicas through the user-provided P2P Network.

Suppose further that the validator is also phase-voter. Then, after broadcasting the proposal, the validator will wait to receive a proposal from the Network. Upon receiving a Proposal (which could be the same Proposal it just itself proposed), it will call validate_block to ask the App to ask it to validate the block according to user-defined application-level semantics.

If the block is valid, then the replica will create a PhaseVote by signing a message with its SigningKey, and send this to the phase_vote_recipient. Then, it will insert the block to its Block Tree, which the library stores in the KVStore provided by the user.

The overall result is an immutable “block chain” that is guaranteed to satisfy safety and liveness invariants as long as no more than 1/3rd of the TotalPower of a ValidatorSet is faulty.

As all of this is happening, the algorithm constantly emits events, which user code can receive as they occur by registering event handlers.

§Module organization

HotStuff-rs’ modules are organized into two levels depending on whether the definitions they contain are subprotocol-specific, or commonly used across multiple subprotocols.

The three subprotocols of HotStuff-rs and their associated modules are:

  1. HotStuff (hotstuff): the subprotocol for committing blocks.
  2. Pacemaker (pacemaker): the subprotocol for bringing replicas into the same view so that they can start committing blocks.
  3. Block Sync (block_sync): the subprotocol for bringing replicas’ block trees up-to-date after periods of time in which they miss messages.

Modules not listed above not subprotocol-specific.


  • algorithm 🔒
    Thread that drives the event-driven implementations of the HotStuff, Pacemaker, and BlockSync subprotocols.
  • Pluggable, replicable applications.
  • Subprotocol that “catches-up” the local block tree in case the replica misses out on messages.
  • The persistent state of a replica.
  • event_bus 🔒
    Thread that receives events emitted by the algorithm and block sync server threads and passes them to event handlers.
  • Subscribable events that are published when significant things happen in the replica.
  • Subprotocol for committing Blocks.
  • Functions that log out events.
  • Pluggable peer-to-peer (P2P) networking.
  • Subprotocol for synchronizing view numbers.
  • Methods for building and running a replica as well as initializing its storage.
  • Types and traits that are used across multiple sub-protocols or components of HotStuff-rs.